Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Techno kids

How much time do you let your kids watch tv/play on their tablets?

I for one am quite guilty of this! When they wake up too early on the weekend? When you want to cook dinner? When you need to get things done..?!

Let's face it there's nothing like a bit of Sarah & Duck or Bing to grab them for 5-10 min. 

We have been limiting our two now especially as Maha back at school and she has homework and earlier schedules, plus Noah has discoved colouring so is loving the huge sheets of A2 we have to scribble all over! 

We are also enjoying this Indian summer it seems so we've been encouraging them outside in the fresh air while it lasts!!

How do you manage the technology in your household?

Mahaorla xx

Sorry it's been a while..!

Well I've been very slack on my blog recently!! (Last post July!)

We've been very busy here at mahaorla moccasins! Adding more colours & sizes to the moccs collection, introducing new leather bows & braces to the line, hosting a baby shower for my sister plus keeping up with demands of a family! How do you keep that work/family life balance?

It's been fun though and we've all enjoyed a summer break! Here's a few photos of the last few months!

Mahaorla xx